support for process digitalization - LIAA EDIC

Support for process digitalization

Enhance your business processes with significant grants from the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and the European Digital Innovation Centre (EDIC). Grants are available for website development, e-commerce solutions, and more.


6 MINUTES |Development , Strategy | 13/06/2024

Grant Program by LIAA and EDIC

Do you want to digitalize your company’s internal processes? We have great news! The Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) offers significant grants to support digitalization processes, website development, and e-commerce solutions. We at @BRANDSITE have implemented several projects and can assist you with both technical task development and the creation of websites or online stores. What is it, and how can you get support? Read on to find out.

Available grants

LIAA offers two types of grants to help your company to digitalize processes, allowing you to obtain modern solutions or automate existing ones within this project’s framework with up to 100% support intensity.:

  1. Small Grant: Up to €9999 (100% support)
  2. Large Grant: Up to €100,000 (30-60% support)

In 2023, the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) began providing support to Latvian entrepreneurs to promote the digitalization of processes used in commercial activities. The available grant support enables entrepreneurs to digitalize various processes. The goal of this project is to improve the competitiveness and productivity of Latvian entrepreneurs.

The support is intended for the purchase of ready-made solutions to improve the digitalization of the following processes:

  • Administrative
  • Personnel management
  • Sales
  • Resource management
  • Data management
  • Transport and logistics
  • Production and quality control
  • Operational management
  • Strategic management
  • ICT products, technology, and security

The application deadline for support is March 31, 2026, or until funding is available. Applying and developing digital transformation projects is not only economically beneficial but also a valuable investment in the future of your company.


What can you gain by digitalizing your company's internal processes?

The contemporary business environment demands constant development and adaptation. Digitalization optimizes internal operations, enhances customer engagement, and promotes business growth locally and internationally.

Supported Projects Include:

  • Website creation with calendar synchronization
  • Digital systems for customer acquisition
  • E-commerce solutions for online sales
  • Integration of customer management systems
  • Loyalty card systems
  • Marketing tools integration

Benefits: With LIAA support, your business can outperform competitors and achieve new heights. Explore digital service providers here: DIH Catalog.

  • Efficiency Improvements: Streamline operations, reducing time and resource waste.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Automated processes allow employees to focus on higher-value tasks.
  • Better Data Management: Improved data collection, storage, and analysis capabilities.
  • Cost Savings: Reduce operational costs through automation and optimized resource use.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Access to real-time data and analytics for strategic planning.
  • Scalability: Easier adaptation and scaling of business processes as the company grows.


Learn in our blog 5 aspects how a professional website can benefit your business here.

How to apply for process digitalization support?

  • Digital Maturity Test: Complete the test with the European Digital Innovation Centre (EDIC).
  • Develop a Roadmap: Create a digital transformation roadmap based on test results.
  • Submit Application: Apply through the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA).
  • Wait for the approval, sign the contract with the service provider and digitalize!

Application Deadline: Until March 31, 2026, or until funding is available.

Based on our experience, Latvian entrepreneurs are actively applying for digitalization support. After completing the digital maturity test, there might be a waiting period (depending on the region in Latvia), but it won’t be immediate. Completing the maturity test will help you identify areas that can and should be digitalized to enhance market competitiveness.

For a visual representation of the process, see the image below, source: DIH Services.

support for process digitalization steps EDIC

Where to get information?

For detailed information about digitalization support, grants, and the application process, you can visit the following resources:

For personalized advice, contact us via the button below or whatsapp/social media with your questions, and we can recommend the best solutions for your company.

Wish you success!

Brandsite Team

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